Welcome to Peel.Online

Peel Online is Peel Town Commissioners’ website for the community of Peel in the Isle of Man, providing information to locals and visitors about all that the “sunset city” has to offer: local amenities, what’s on, where to stay, where to eat, and more…

Next Peel events:

Peel Carnival

3 August @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Latest news:

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MHK for Glenfaba and Peel:

Kate Lord-Brennan, MHK
Kate Lord-Brennan, MHK
Email: kate.lord-brennan@gov.im
Telephone: 01624 685596
Address: Legislative Buildings, Finch Road, Douglas, IM1 3PW

MHK for Glenfaba and Peel:

Tim Crookall, MHK
Tim Crookall, MHK
Email: tim.crookall@gov.im
Telephone: 01624 685485
Address: Stanley House, 3 Marine Parade, Peel, IM5 1PB

Chair of Peel Commissioners:

Christine Moughtin
Christine Moughtin