Vision Statement
- The Commissioners will work to deliver high quality services making best use of available resources and to undertake its statutory functions in a professional and efficient manner offering its ratepayers value for money.
- To encourage and, where possible, increase appropriate commercial activity in Peel.
- It is deemed a priorty to attract new businesses to the Town with the long term aim of developing the lower Ballaterson fields which are designated “predominately industrial” use on the Peel Local Plan.
- The current Peel Local Plan was approved in 1989 and is outdated. It is a key factor in the future development of Peel that this plan is reviewed and updated by the Planning Department to provide a planning framework that is relevant for today’s needs both in terms of commercial development and housing requirements.
- To maintain and, where appropriate, improve its social housing stock both internally and externally.
- To continue to provide and/or encourage leisure and recreational facilities for adults and children in the Town.
- The beach is a key asset and it will be maintained and developed with the ultimate aim of achieving blue flag status.
- The Commissioners will continue to promote Peel and seek “City Status” for the Town.
- To promote and represent the best interests of Peel.